
PSC – PLINK Super Cloud

PLINK Super Cloud is the optimal solution for your company’s connectivity needs, allowing you to access the best of the Internet with confidence and ease.

Today more than ever, it is essential for organizations to have connectivity (company Internet line) and a data infrastructure that, like speed and scalability, can offer parameters of quality, resilience and response to failure. In other words, it guarantees service continuity.

For this Professional Link has created PSC – PLINK Super Cloud, the connectivity platform for companies and businesses with unique characteristics on the market. This platform is capable of providing data connections with real-time redundancy and complete diversity.

Our connectivity offer for businesses can be customised. Thanks to PSC you can have all the available data transport technologies (optical fiber, copper, radio, LTE/4G) in a single infrastructure capable of guaranteeing service continuity. This is thanks to the complete diversification of fault nodes and cable routes.

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Proactive backup

Thanks to PLINK’s infrastructure, it is possible to create a corporate Internet network architecture in Italy based on two links: a main and a backup one. These links are implemented with two different technologies among those available (dedicated optical fiber, FTTC, FTTH, RDSL, ADSL, LTE/4G).
The links are delivered to the customer’s premises with different technologies and relate to completely distinct interconnection nodes to create total diversity in all circuit components.
With one of the Internet business connection offers, it is possible to have an ACTIVE-PASSIVE or ACTIVE-ACTIVE backup.


This option provides two Internet links: a main and a secondary one (backup), normally not active. In particular, the main link has a private point-to-point address and an additional public subnet. Therefore, in case of failure on the main link, the subnet is rotated to the backup link. In this way, the circuits can be abutted on distinct termination devices, or delivered to a single device.


This option also provides two Internet links: a main and a backup one. In contrast to the active-passive option, both links are simultaneously active and usable. Therefore, the main link always has a private point-to-point address and an additional public subnet for services. However, the backup link has a public IP address, on which the services subnet will be rotated in case of failure on the main link.

Need more information about PLINK Super Cloud connectivity? Write to us here!

Proactive backup

Thanks to PLINK’s infrastructure, it is possible to create a corporate Internet network architecture in Italy based on two links: a main and a backup one. These links are implemented with two different technologies among those available (dedicated optical fiber, FTTC, FTTH, RDSL, ADSL, LTE/4G).
The links are delivered to the customer’s premises with different technologies and relate to completely distinct interconnection nodes to create total diversity in all circuit components.
With one of the Internet business connection offers, it is possible to have an ACTIVE-PASSIVE or ACTIVE-ACTIVE backup.


This option provides two Internet links: a main and a secondary one (backup), normally not active. In particular, the main link has a private point-to-point address and an additional public subnet. Therefore, in case of failure on the main link, the subnet is rotated to the backup link. In this way, the circuits can be abutted on distinct termination devices, or delivered to a single device.


This option also provides two Internet links: a main and a backup one. In contrast to the active-passive option, both links are simultaneously active and usable. Therefore, the main link always has a private point-to-point address and an additional public subnet for services. However, the backup link has a public IP address, on which the services subnet will be rotated in case of failure on the main link.

Need more information about PLINK Super Cloud connectivity? Write to us here!